Clinic Consent and Information Form: Add Listing


Thank you for your interest in adding a listing to Action Canada’s public and/or private directory of sexual and reproductive health service providers.

The public directory is available 24/7 to help visitors to our website find out where they can access a variety of sexual health services, while our login-secure private directory is only accessible to our Access Line staff and volunteers who use it to support people reaching out over our Access Line from 9am-9pm EST, 7 days a week.


Please provide all applicable information about your clinic as you would like it to appear on the directory. Selecting "private" for the fields with this option (i.e location, phone, email, website) will hide this information from our public directory.

If you have any questions or concerns about submitting a listing, please contact our Health Promotion Coordinator Mel Fuller at

Clinic Information

Categories to be listed under on
Clinic Location
Please indicate a phone number where clients can call to make an appointment.
Phone Preferences
Email Preferences
Website Type
Care is provided in:


Questions about coverage are mandatory. Please answer "no" or "n/a" to coverage questions if they do not apply.

Services Offered

Additional options will appear for some categories of services. Select all that apply.

(integer only, e.g. 9)
(integer only, e.g. 9)
Counselling, Classes, & Support
Gender Affirming Care


I understand that for increasing access to sexual and reproductive health, the information provided above will be saved in Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights' online private, password-protected, sexual and reproductive health provider directory, available for authorized staff and volunteers to consult when supporting callers to the Access Line in finding services.

I understand that unless I indicate, “Private Listing Only” in the final section of this form, the information about the above-mentioned clinic, hospital, or centre, as well as contact information, will also appear in Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights' online public sexual and reproductive health provider directory, available to the public through our website.

I understand that individual people's names and their addresses will not be made public on the directory.

I agree with the terms and conditions in this agreement, and hereby grant Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights the right and permission to publish the information disclosed in this form regarding the services offered at said clinic, hospital, or centre. I further agree to hold harmless Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights from and against any and all damages and claims.

Consent to Share with SHORE Centre’s Choice Connect App

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights works together with our affiliate SHORE Centre to maintain up-to-date provider information to provide to people who connect with our Access Line, Sexual Health Hub and SHORE Centre’s Choice Connect app for information about their nearest abortion provider. Action Canada shares this information with SHORE Centre’s Choice Connect app to empower people across Canada to be able to find an abortion provider in their community.

By selecting the “Private Listing Only” option below, you are limiting what information is shared with SHORE Centre and what information is available to the general public on Action Canada’s Public Directory and SHORE Centre’s Choice Connect app. 

Below is an overview of what information is and is not shared with SHORE Centre and in public listings when a Private Listing is selected. 

Shared / Public Information Not Shared / Not Public Information 
✔️ Clinic City
✔️ Clinic Province 
✔️ Clinic Postal Code  
✔️ Action Canada’s Access Line Number 
❌ Name of Clinic 
❌ Street Address
❌ Clinic Contact Information 
❌ Clinic Website


Click here to see the difference between a fully public listing and a private listing on the SHORE Centre’s Choice Connect app. 

Private listing

If selecting Private, this information will be kept in our database for use by Access line Responders to refer clients, but the public directory will show: 

[City] unlisted clinic

Address will be provided through the Access Line
City Prov A1A 9Z9


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